Full set of custom made compound bowstring and cables for your Hoyt Carbon Element compound bow. A normal set of bow strings will be either a bowstring and cable for a single cam bow or a bow string and 2 cables for dual or hybrid cam bows. If you do not see your model listed or you are unsure of the bowstring and cable lengths be sure to contact us.
Hoyt Carbon Element Custom Compound Bow String Set Features:
Carbon Element Compound Bow String Replacement FAQs:
Q: How can I find my string lengths?
A: String Lengths can be found on the limb sticker on your bow. If you do not have a limb sticker, please fill in as much information as possible.
Q: What will happen if a fluorescent or lighter serving is put on top of dark string material?
A: When fluorescent or lighter serving is put over top of a dark string material; the dark material tends to bleed into the serving distorting the serving color & becoming semi translucent in some cases.
Q: Will your center serving match you end servings?
A: We try to match YOUR centers & end servings the best we can, however BCY Powergrip is only manufactured in the basic colors (Black, Blue, Flo Green, Tan, Flo Orange, Flo Pink, Red, White). If your end serving color isn’t available in Powergrip or Crossbow Serving, your center will default to black. *Color availability varies based on material.