Choosing Arrows for Recurve Bows | 60X Custom Strings

Choosing Arrows for Recurve Bows | 60X Custom Strings

Sep 2nd 2020

Recurve bows are most commonly used for target practice and hunting. Once you’ve settled on your desired bow, you now come to the question of how to choose arrows for a recurve bow. There are literally hundreds—if not more—types of arrows on the market, so here’s a guide to help you narrow down your options.

Start with your Draw Length

Your draw length is the measurement of how far back you pull  your bow string. Professional shops will have tools to precisely measure this if you’d like; however, there are two ways you can measure at home to start the process of accurately choosing arrows for your recurve bow.

side view of man holding drawn bow with knocked arrow

Spread your arms wide, keeping them parallel to the floor and making sure not to pull in your shoulder blades. Have someone measure the exact distance in inches from the tip of one middle finger to the other, then divide that value by 2.5.

Or, face a wall sideways and extend your bow arm with your hand in a fist. Gently rest your fist against the wall with your arm parallel to the floor. Have someone measure from your closed fist to your anchor point. Essentially, you’re mimicking  drawing a bow string and preparing to shoot. That measurement is your draw length.

To ensure you’re most accurately choosing arrows for a recurve bow, do both methods to make sure they match up. Once you have your draw length, add two inches. That’s the length of the arrow you need.

Diameter and Weight

Target and competition archers usually prefer a thicker diameter shaft, because they’re more likely to strike the lines of the target for higher points. Hunters, however, usually prefer a smaller diameter, because there’s less surface area to be affected by wind and they more effectively penetrate game.So the purpose of your shooting will dictate what diameter arrow you need.

When choosing arrows for a recurve bow, the weight is related to the poundage of your bow. Lighter bows tend to work best with lighter arrows, and heavier bows work best with heavier arrows.

The Spine

The “spine” of your arrow refers to how much it bends, or wiggles, around your bow and on its way to the target. Spine is affected by the draw weight of the bow, the weight of the arrow, the weight of the arrowhead or tip, and the length of the arrow.

How to choose arrows for a recurve bow that have the correct spine depends on all these factors. Bows with very high  draw weights should use stiffer arrows than lower. Similar logic applies to the weight of the arrow and tip. Longer arrows will need to be stiffer.

Shop Recurve Bow Strings from 60X Custom Strings

Need help choosing arrows for a recurve bow?  Get in touch with us to ask your questions. 60X Custom Bow Strings was founded by champion archer Brad Patsy, so we have the knowledge you need to become the best archer possible.